

EasyPIM™,EasyPACK™ 和 EasyDUAL™

对于寻求灵活、可扩展的功率模块解决方案的客户而言,Easy系列是最佳选择。随着封装系列扩展至Easy 3B,我们如今能提供最广泛的无基板的、12 mm高封装的系列产品。Easy封装的引脚可在网格式的系统里灵活分布,这非常适合于定制化的引脚排列需求。全系列封装不带基板。新的Easy 3B封装将当前2B封装的DCB表面积(DCB是功率模块中的衬底)扩大两倍,同时高度维持不变。要实现逆变器设计的平台化功率扩展,选用此封装最为理想,只需作出极少的机械改造,就可以扩展当前的逆变器设计以达到更高功率。与此同时,这一新封装还“承袭”了Easy系列的众多优点,比如对于实现定制化非常重要的灵活引脚分配。采用Easy3B封装的模块产品已被列入批量生产计划。

Easy 系列包含EasyPIM™、EasyPACK™ 和 EasyDUAL™,涵盖 600V/650V/1200V 电压,6A 至 200AIc电流 的全功率范围。该系列模块无基板,采用新型芯片技术。螺丝固定夹可提供快速、可靠和低成本的安装方法。汽车级 Easy 1B和 Easy 2B模块为功率高至10 kW的应用提供了一个拓扑结构灵活的符合汽车认证的平台。

Product Product Status Green Halogen-free Voltage Class max [V] IC max [A] Technology Configuration Qualification Housing
F3L50R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 50 IGBT3 - E3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
F4-75R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 75 IGBT3 - E3 Fourpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FP50R06W2E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 50 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FB20R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP30R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 30 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FB30R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 30 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP30R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 30 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 10 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 10 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP15R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 15 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP50R06W2E3 active and preferred yes no 600 50 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP20R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP20R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FB20R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP15R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 15 IGBT3 - E3 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FS20R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 50 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS30R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 30 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS30R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 30 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS20R06W1E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 600 20 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R06W1E3 active and preferred yes no 600 50 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS3L30R07W2H3F_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 30 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L200R07W2S5F_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 200 IGBT5 - S5

CoolSiC Schottky Diode Gen5
3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS3L40R07W2H5F_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 40 IGBT5 - H5 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L100R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 100 IGBT3 - E3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L225R07W2H3P_B63 active and preferred yes no 650 225 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS3L100R07W3S5_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 100 IGBT5 - S5 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 3B
F3L400R07W3S5_B59 active and preferred yes no 650 400 IGBT5 - S5 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 3B
F3L75R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 75 IGBT3 - E3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F4-3L50R07W2H3F_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 50 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS3L50R07W2H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 50 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L150R07W2E3_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 150 IGBT3 - E3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS3L50R07W2H3F_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 50 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
DF100R07W1H5FP_B54 active and preferred yes no 650 100 IGBT5 - H5

Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode
Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
DF80R07W1H5FP_B11 active and preferred yes no 650 80 IGBT5 - H5 Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
F4-75R07W1H3_B11A active and preferred yes no 650 75 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Fourpack Industrial

EasyPACK™ 1B
F4-50R07W1H3_B11A active and preferred yes no 650 50 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Fourpack Automotive EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R07W1E3_B11A active and preferred yes no 650 50 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Automotive EasyPACK™ 1B
FS75R07W2E3_B11A active and preferred yes no 650 75 IGBT3 - E3 Sixpack Automotive EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L400R10W3S7F_B11 active and preferred yes no 950 400 IGBT7 - S7 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 3B
F3L400R10W3S7_B11 active and preferred yes no 950 400 IGBT7 - S7 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 3B
FS3L200R10W3S7F_B11 active and preferred yes no 950 200 IGBT7 - S7 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 3B
F3L25R12W1T4_B27 active and preferred yes no 1200 45 IGBT4 - T4 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS3L25R12W2H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L150R12W2H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 150 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L15R12W2H3_B27 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L100R12W2H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 100 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
F3L75R12W1H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
F3L75R12W1H3_B27 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
F3L200R12W2H3_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 200 IGBT HighSpeed 3 3-level Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
DF200R12W1H3_B27 active and preferred yes no 1200 200 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
DF160R12W2H3F_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 160 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
DF120R12W2H3_B27 active and preferred yes no 1200 120 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
DF80R12W2H3F_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 80 IGBT HighSpeed 3 Booster Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FP25R12W2T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T4P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP15R12W1T4P active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP50R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP10R12W1T4_B3 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP35R12W2T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP15R12W1T7_B3 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP35R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP50R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W2T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP10R12W1T7P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W2T4P active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T4_B3 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R12W1T4P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP06R12W1T4_B3 active and preferred yes no 1200 6 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP35R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP35R12W2T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W2T4P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP10R12W1T4P active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R12W1T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP100R12W3T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 100 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 3B
FP15R12W1T7P active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R12W1T7_B3 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP25R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP25R12W2T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP15R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 15 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP35R12W2T4P active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FP10R12W1T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP10R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 10 IGBT7 - T7 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 1B
FP35R12W2T4P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 PIM Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FS75R12W2T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS25R12W1T7P_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS25R12W1T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS25R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS100R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 100 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPIM™ 2B
FS100R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 100 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS75R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS50R12W2T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS25R12W1T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R12W2T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS35R12W1T7_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS75R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS75R12W2T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 75 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS35R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R12W2T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B
FS35R12W1T4_B11 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS35R12W1T4 active and preferred yes no 1200 35 IGBT4 - T4 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS25R12W1T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 25 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 1B
FS50R12W2T7 active and preferred yes no 1200 50 IGBT7 - T7 Sixpack Industrial EasyPACK™ 2B